Farewell 2023: my year in (a selection of) books
I usually read relatively few mainstream novels each year – by ‘mainstream’ I mean non-science fiction. When much younger, I would only read novels, both mainstream and science-fiction. I only picked up serious non-fiction reading during the later stage of my studies, and really got fully into it when I moved to the Netherlands. It started with books like Koestler’s The sleepwalkers , and Pepys’ Diary , and Boswell’s London Journal , and it snowballed from there – to the point that over the last decade, I would read at least twice as many non-fiction books as mainstream novels. And my science-fiction reads tended to remain stable, at around 25 a year. Another thing that changed over the last 6 to 8 years is my language of choice: from my mid-twenties to my forties, I hardly read anything in French, my mother tongue – everything I read was in English. Before that (and despite studying English at Uni…) I had hardly ever read anything in English – it all started while living in ...