Interpreting fiction: 5 basic principles to start generating ideas (1)
Interpreting fiction: Five basic principles to start generating ideas (1) (Today the first two principles, next time the following three) So there you are: there’s a text in front of you, right there on the table or on your lap, it’s a poem perhaps, a short-story or a novel, and the question you have is: What on earth is this about? And slowly but surely the famous cry will soon erupt from your lips: I don’t get it! You read the words and you understand them, but you have that nagging feeling that you’re not seeing ‘what you’re supposed to see’. You stare and you re-read, but no, it’s not happening. You don’t ‘get it’, you don’t know ‘what the message/meaning is’. There’s no magic formula to solve this problem, no smoking gun you can always find, no short-cut to the themes. Terminology is not going to help much, and reverting to jargon will only obscure what is already opaque. Looking it up online will only restrict your own input, and will fix in your mind inte...